An outstanding event! R-SIX took line honors on the final day of racing and clinched 1st place overall. Great crew work, smart tactics, and super efficient upwind performance contributed to R-SIX's success. Congratulations to the owner and the R-SIX team, and to everyone who believed in and supported the project. This is only the beginning - we are so proud and excited for the future!

Paul Hakes said "Brilliant job everyone. Congratulations to owner Robert, (naval architect) Gino and all the crew at HH Catamarans, Hudson Yachts and Morrelli and Melvin. We have proved the R-Six performance, now sit back and enjoy the luxury....I am so happy for us all. We are CHAMPIONS!"

Click here to read the full regatta report with daily race breakdowns from Gino Morrelli.
